It is quite fascinating to conceive an idea "one can always remain young", it is our emotional and psychological state of mind which makes us old. In fact, it is the planning for the life cycles in advance which makes the miraculous difference. In European and many other Asian countries, it is adopted as a natural business. It is essential to realize and recognize the need for emotional and psychological stability. Since our expectations, sensibilities, personalities, sensitivity level, concept of empathy all undergo a sea change, therefore, we need to have proper planning as a matter of mental preparedness for physical, emotional and psychological changes in our thinking process. This wonderful book 'An Endless Travel' by Dewakar Goel is an easy and friendly roadmap towards the long journey on an endless road, which is going to be a landmark because of its unique features of relating each concept with the real life situation where a reader may be able to identify himself.
Language | Hindi |
Binding | Paper Back |
Translator | Not Selected |
Editor | Not Selected |
Publication Year | 2010 |
Edition Year | 2015, Ed. 2nd |
Pages | 212P |
Publisher | Banyan Tree Books |
Dimensions | 21.5 X 14 X 1 |